Make-Up Hours

Students can make up hours during course times: Day School Makeup hours Thursday Night, Night School -Makeup up Hours Saturday. Students may not make up hours until the student has completed the Protégé for 900 program and 1200 program or Makeup for the 1300 hour program or the last two full weeks of school. Make-up time will only be allowed for students until a cumulative attendance percentage of 100% is achieved. All makeup hours must be pre-approved by the Future Professional Advisor or Financial Services Leader. Students must complete a Future Professional Make-Up Request Form indicating the date, time, activity completed. The Learning Leader who supervised the make-up time must sign the Make-up Request Form. If a student leaves early on the day for makeup hours they will not be allowed to make up hours on that same day. If a student misses two consecutive makeup days they will lose the privilege of makeup hours for a period of up to but not exceeding 30 days. Any exception to this policy must be approved by the Schools Director.